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Leaf Me Alone

muhammad, MD | Leaf Me Alone
eww! that leaf curled and is dicusting

gary, FL | Leaf Me Alone
The one with jelly on the bottom side

Ashley, VA | Leaf Me Alone
I did the experiment at home in the spring of 07' with my younger sister Moriah. Our testing results came back that the leaf with the petroleum jelly on the top side curled up because it could not breathe. We did this to three other plants as well and the same results were present among the leaves on the plants.

Garratt, TX | Leaf Me Alone
The two leaves both curled up.

Olivia, TX | Leaf Me Alone
The leaf curled up and died very fast even though the leaf was only in the bag for a day.

tiarra, FL | Leaf Me Alone
The one with jelly on bottom curled up the most and had the best results

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